Can Money Grow On Trees?

A few friends and I are chilling around my coffee table one Friday night, munching on kettle cooked BBQ potato chips. There are also some sour gummy worms going around. Overall the chill is nice, I feel so so relaxed. 

I begin to think to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if I didn’t have to work at all? What If I knew I always had an abundance of money in my account whether I got out of bed in the morning or stayed in bed for a week watching Grey’s Anatomy?

Wouldn’t that be so so very nice?

“Guys, what are some extremely easy ways to make passive income?” I ask while also asking where the sour worms are.

Sarah, who’s currently munching on a sour worm, passes the plastic container to me while she says: “You can self publish a book on Amazon.”

My friend Zack who hates people wakes up from his dozing off on my velvet blue sofa, “In WHAT universe is writing a BOOK a “I don’t have to do anything today“- way to make money? And who the hell is reading your book - no offense.”

“Ok ok, I say, everyone relax, this is a chill conversation to need to attack and BTW I would write an excellent book thank you very much, but I agree, it is an insane amount of work.”

What else?

“You can create an app”.

The guy who hates everyone, is now fully awake from his chill nap: “Uhhh ok, let’s see… thousands if not millions of investment money.” He holds up a sending finger, “A shit ton of time creating the app.” Holding up a third finger, “As well as being smart enough to create a successful app.”

“Oh I got one! Interrupts Sam while filling up a glass of water, you can do those online surveys!”

“Passive income” I tell him “PASSIVE!

Also, FYI, that’s a scam”.

Anyways, to make a long ass conversation shorter I got:

  • Being a cook

  • Selling things on Etsy 

  • Driving for Uber 

  • Real Estate Investments

  • Buying a vending machine (I actually looked into that one)

  • Buying a Laungry Matt (I looked into that one too!)

  • Buying stocks 

  • Making Swag

  • Selling images online 

  • Amazon shop on TikTok

The last one which actually got me excited was from my friend Emma, her suggestion was to become a Voiceover reader for books on audible.

“You can literally just start by reading a book and make money off of royalties!”

Anyway, it turns out it’s not simple at all. You need to audition for different books, have a website and much more. (I may go into this someday anyway cuz it seems like it would be a fun side hustle but definitely loads of work).

Anyways, I am sure you can guess the lesson I learned this weekend. 

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

I have also developed a new appreciation for what I do, it may be a lot of work, the monthly emails, the Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and email posts, the outreach, networking events and all the things I need to do to let the world know that I exist and have a product for them.

With all that I get to be good at something. I get to do something that’s fun, that I enjoy, I get to make money and be of service. 

Seriously, who needs to open a vending machine when they can give someone a way better product than a bag of chips?!

**Side note - I would love to hear about your passive income ideas!